Sunday, February 27, 2011

Where is the Love?

      You are in your car driving one afternoon and you flip your blinker on. There is plenty of room for you to change lanes. All the sudden the car in the lane next to you speeds up, slams on his breaks, lays on the horn, and gives you the finger. Though you did everything you were supposed to, you still managed to piss off the guy riding your bumper. Unfortunately, this is the norm in today’s society.

      The simplest act can spark road rage in someone. Though many people lack proper mannerisms, this is especially an issue on the roads. Not only is rude driving a serious problem we see on a daily basis, but it can also be extremely dangerous. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, aggressive driving is responsible for one-third of all accidents and about two-thirds of the resulting fatalities. This is an issue that has not been addressed nearly enough. 

      I propose that the police start issuing tickets when they see road rage occur. With the hefty fines, hopefully hazardous drives will realizes that their outbursts just aren’t necessary. If rage on the roads could be reduced, driving would be significantly safer. So next time a driver does something to make you mad, take a deep breath, relax, and just carry on. 


  1. Catie, I love the title of your blog post. You are very right when you say that road rage is a definite problem. I had no idea it was the cause of so many deaths and if people would just take a deep breath and relax maybe some of those deaths could be avoided. However, I think road rage is something everyone is guilty of. It takes a lot of self-control to not get mad at someone that almost caused you to get in a wreck especially because being stuck in traffic is very stressful. Rather than give people tickets maybe they could give out anger management tips.

  2. I agree, road rage is simply out of hand. However, do you really think fining someone based on their personal behavior is right? Or even legal? Although road rage is dangerous, it's mostly freedom of speech- aka freedom to give some undeserving person the finger. Also, these people are doing these things because they are irritated for one reason or another. Have you ever heard of a ticket making somebody calm down? No? Didn't think so. So, as a commuter, I completely agree that road rage needs helped. But, as a logical person, I think you need to find some other way or just accept it as another act by an impulsive irritated person.
